2023 IS THE Hebrew year is (5783)
*Last year 2022 or 5782 in the Hebrew Calendar is known as a shmita, or sabbactical year. With the continuing effects of the pandemic, high inflation, major layoffs it did seem like a year of rest. According to Hebrew tradition at the end of the year, the shmita, all debts are to be forgiven.
This sets the stage for the prophetic Word of the Lord for 2023!!!
For the New Covenant Church Family and Friends the local/specific Word for us is "Agility & Pivot"
In agreement with other Apostolic Voices this is "The Time of Deliberate Restoration"
This is a time and season of rebuilding and deliberate restoration, all of which will bring Kingdom increase and fortifications against the wiles of the devil.
God has strategically placed His churches in communities to be light and salt to them.
There must be the deliberate restoration of radical faith-filled Worship followed by significant manifestations that will be a magnet to those who are thirty for next-level experiences with God. Carve out special times of prayer, Worship, and teaching to quench the rising thirst for spiritual encounters with God.